Monday, March 23, 2015

Personal Power II: The Driving Force (Success Journal 3)

This is by   <Anthony Robbins>   30-day audio coaching system.
You can look for this audio coaching system.

Here are a few simple steps for getting the most from your journal:

1. Each day, Monday through Friday, listen to the assigned tape or CD.
2. After the session, open your journal and take immediate action on the
day’s “assignment.”
3. Before you close it for the day, take a few minutes to reinforce your
learning by jotting down any additional thoughts or feelings in your
journal about what you learned and how you’re going to use the
progress you’ve already made.

Day 3
Specifically, what drives our lives is our neuro-associations; i.e., whatever
pleasure or pain we associate or “link” to a situation in our nervous system is
going to determine our behavior.

If we want to change our lives, we must change our neuro-associations.

1. The science you’re going to learn in this program is NeuroAssociative
Conditioning~ (NAC”~). This system will allow you to link massive
pleasure to tasks you’ve been putting off, but need to take action on
today, and link pain to behaviors you’re currently indulging in but need
to stop-both of which will help you tap into the natural principles of
your nervous system. The use of this program will give you a way to
take direct control of all your behaviors and emotions, but in a way that
simply requires the power of reinforcement not discipline.

2. In this session, you learned to ask yourself, “What are some of the
negative associations I’ve made in the past that have kept me from
taking the actions I need to take to achieve my ultimate desires?”

3. Your neuro-associations control your level of motivation.

Every single action you take has an effect on your destiny. If we study destiny,
we find everything in life has four parts:

1. Everything we think or do is a cause set in motion.

2. Every one of our thoughts and actions is going to have an effect or
result in our lives.

3. Our results begin to “stack up” to take our lives in a particular

4. For every direction there is an ultimate destination or destiny
It’s important for you now to begin to answer two questions:

What is your ultimate destiny? What do you want your life to be about? While few people
know precisely how their lives will turn out, we can certainly decide in advance
the kind of person we want to become and how we want to live our lives.

Having this “bigger picture” can pull us through some of the short-term tough
times and keep things in perspective, allowing us to remain happy, fulfilled, and
driven to achieve our dreams.

1. Write down three neuro-associations you’ve made in the past that have
shaped your destiny positively.

2. List three neuro-associations that have been disempowering you until

Decide you will change these today.

Simple awareness can be curative. It can break the pattern of allowing our
unconscious conditioning to control us.

1. Three neuro-associations I’ve Made in the past that have shaped my destiny

2. Three neuro-associations that have disempowered me until now:

“The past does not equal the future.”

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