Monday, March 16, 2015

Personal Power II: The Driving Force (Success Journal 2)

This is by   <Anthony Robbins>   30-day audio coaching system.
You can look for this audio coaching system.

Here are a few simple steps for getting the most from your journal:

1. Each day, Monday through Friday, listen to the assigned tape or CD.
2. After the session, open your journal and take immediate action on the
day’s “assignment.”
3. Before you close it for the day, take a few minutes to reinforce your
learning by jotting down any additional thoughts or feelings in your
journal about what you learned and how you’re going to use the
progress you’ve already made.

Day 2:
Ultimately, everything we do in our lives is driven by our fundamental need to
avoid pain and our desire to gain pleasure; both are biologically driven and
constitute a controlling force in our lives.

We will do far more to avoid pain than we will to gain pleasure. Pain is the
greater motivator in the short term.

At any moment in time, whatever you focus your attention on is what is most
real to you. Therefore, if you want to change your behavior, you must focus
your attention on

1. how not changing your behavior will be more painful than changing it
2. how changing will bring you measurable and immediate pleasure
You must change what you link pain and pleasure to in order to change your

Use pain and pleasure instead of letting pain and pleasure use you!


To take control of your life, you must take control of the force of decision. The
power to change anything in your life is born the moment you make a real
decision-which by definition is something you take immediate action upon.
Take the following steps now:

1. List four new actions you know you should take now.

2. What is the pain you’ve associated with these actions that has kept you
from following through? Write it down.

3. List any pleasures you were able to get from not following through on
these four actions.

4. For each of these actions, describe in a paragraph what it will cost you
if you don’t follow through. What will you miss out on? What will you

5. Now begin to associate pleasure with taking action by asking yourself
these questions. What are all the benefits you’ll gain by taking action in
each of these areas now? How will it enhance your life? How will it
create greater joy happiness, success, freedom, or pride? Write your

1. Four new actions I know I should take now:

2. The pain I’ve associated with these actions in the past:

3. The pleasure I took from not following through in the past:

4. What it will cost me if I don’t follow through now:

5. The benefits I’ll gain by taking action in each of these areas now:

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