Saturday, May 27, 2017


临终关怀(英文:hospice care)并非是一种治愈疗法,而是一种专注于在患者在将要逝世前的几个星期甚至几个月的时间内,减轻其疾病的症状、延缓疾病发展的医疗护理。

Saturday, May 20, 2017

it is as easy as ABC, but we still must be careful

Good new!
Follow the four easy steps, you can get your will done!
(Please note that, only valid will is acceptable by high court)

1. List your assets

  • Include details of bank accounts, properties, businesses, vehicles, jewellery, antiques or other valuables, investments such as shares or other instruments. 
  • Note whether these are held in your name or jointly with a spouse or family member. 
  • Do gather all the supporting documents and place them together in an easy-to-retrieve file or folder.

2. Appoint Executor(s)

  • Think about who you will name as an Executor in your will. 
  • There could be more than 1, you can appoint up to 4. It is best to have more than 1 in fact, so that if that Executor dies or is unwilling to act, there is another. 
  • Discuss first, with the person you have chosen. Don’t assume he/she is willing to act. 
  • You could also appoint a trust corporation instead of a natural person, as the Executor.

3. Who is the beneficiaries

  • This would normally be your immediate family. 
  • You are actually free to choose who, or which entity, you wish to leave your assets to. 
  • Some people have willed all their assets to charitable or non-profitable organisations, as their children are grown up and have acquired their own wealth. 

4. Signed with two witnesses

  • The will must be signed in the presence of two witnesses, who must also sign it. 
  • The two witnesses cannot be beneficiaries (or spouses of beneficiaries). 
  • The will needs to be kept in a safe place. 
  • There will be no point at all to the exercise if no one can locate the physical will once you have passed on. 

Although, you will see just four simple steps to get a will done, please bear in mind, what you need is a valid will ----- a will which truly help you to accomplish your wish & help to ease your family when you are not around. Do think thoroughly what you want to give and do make sure all necessary information needed are complete.

Contact me now: 016-6825195


Saturday, May 13, 2017

Common mistake - part 3

Ya, I admit, I would like buy something cheap and useful.
I don't like to pursue my client to spend too much unnecessary expense on will writing if the clause is not a necessary issue or better not to be listed in will (funeral arrangement, etc)

However, some client would like to reduce this and that clause, which is very dangerous -- it can lead to invalid will.
I will say, I can only suggest, advice and remind. If you insist the cheaper but dangerous will, I can't help much.

5. Not Identifying Assets Adequately
Assets with legal titles are easily identified. However with assets like jewelry, paintings and collectibles, you must identify them clearly to ensure there is no ambiguity.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Do you know how different if you have it and if you don't?

We talked about the differences between with and without a will last week, mainly on the timing.
(The post is in Mandarin, do contact me personally if you need it in English)

Today, we are going to look at how different are they in term of procedures.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

有没有都没差啦! 。。。 真的是这样吗?

