Saturday, May 6, 2017

Do you know how different if you have it and if you don't?

We talked about the differences between with and without a will last week, mainly on the timing.
(The post is in Mandarin, do contact me personally if you need it in English)

Today, we are going to look at how different are they in term of procedures.

  1. With will just need an executor (which already appointed in the will);
    Without will, family members have to choose one or two administrator(s) - depend on situation. ==> yup, this will take you some period to choose the correct person, and if they are willing!
  2. Without a will, the administrator(s) have to value the estate.
  3. Without a will, you will need to provide two sureties (please refer my post about sureties for more details)
  4. With a will, Grant of Probate needed to be applied. While, Letter of Administration will be needed for intestacy.

Note that #2 & #3 are not needed if the decease has a will.
These are brief procedure about both process. Do refer here for more details procedure.

Picture credited to :

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