Sunday, April 12, 2015

Personal Power II: The Driving Force (Success Journal 6)

Day 8

Asecond way to manage your states, in addition to using your physiology, is to
control and direct the focus of your mind.

1. The way you feel and what you experience in your body comes from
what you focus your attention upon during a given moment.

2. At any moment, you are “deleting” most of what is going on around
you. That is, to feel bad, you have to delete (not focus on, not think
about) everything that’s great in your life. And vice versa. For you to
feel good, you have to delete the things you could feel bad about. This
process of deleting is an important part of how the mind maintains the
balance in one’s emotional state. Undirected, however, it can wreak
havoc in your day-to-day experience.

To manage your states, there are two things you can control with respect to
focus. When you change either of these, you immediately change how you feel.
1. What you’re picturing in your mind
2. How you’re picturing it, (e.g., dimension, brightness of mental pictures,

At this moment, how you’re evaluating things determines what you focus on.
1. Evaluations are nothing but questions you ask yourself.
2. Your state-and ultimately, your life-are the result of the questions you

To manage your states via focus, you must control the questions you ask

1. Eliminate limiting, “endless loop” questions.

2. Continually ask yourself questions that empower you.

1. Develop five questions you’re going to ask yourself every morning for
the rest of this 30-day program- questions that will cause you to go into
positive and powerful states.

2. Write them down and put them next to your bed or on your bathroom

3. Every morning ask yourself these five questions and come up with at
least two answers for each of them.


1 What am I happy about in my life now?
What about that makes me happy?
How does that make me feel?

2. What am I excited about in my life now?
What about that makes me excited?
How does that make me feel?

3. What am I proud about in my life now?
What about that makes me proud?
How does that make me feel?

4. What am I grateful about in my life now?
What about that makes me grateful?
How does that make me feel?

5. What am I enjoying most in my life right now?
What about that do I enjoy?
How does that make me feel?

6. What am I committed to in my life now?
What about that makes me committed?
How does that make me feel?

7 Who do I love? Who loves me?
What about that makes me loving?
How does that make me feel?

Five questions I’m going to ask myself every morning:

“Things do not
change; we change.”

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