Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The One Minute Manager - Part 5 Why One Minute Praising Work

The One Minute Manager Explains
The Best Minute I Spend Is The One I Invest In People

Why One Minute Praising Work
  • People are more complicated than Pigeon. They are aware, they think for themselves and they certainly don’t want to be manipulated by another person. Remember that and respect that. It is a key to good management. 
  • The key to train someone to do a new task is, in the beginning, to catch them doing something approximately right until they can eventually learn to do it exactly right. We use this concept all the time with kids and animals, but we somehow forget it when we are dealing with big people -- adults. 
  • The most important thing is training somebody to become a winner is to catch them doing something right -- in the beginning approximately right and gradually moving them toward the desired behavior. With a winner you don’t have to catch them doing things right very often, because good performers catch themselves doing things right and are able to self-reinforcing. 
  • Most managers wait until their people do something exactly right before they praise them. As a result, many people never get to become high performers because their managers concentrate on catching them doing things wrong -- that is, anything that falls short of the final desired performance.

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