Monday, January 3, 2011

GO GREEN - What's your earth impact?

To know what's your earth impact, to reduce your carbon footprint. 知道自己的碳排量吗?知道它对地球的影响有多大吗?减少它吧。 ---
  • By planting trees, you can reduce home cooling costs by as much as 50% and grow yourself a little shade on a warm summer day 
  • Green power is available in 37 US States and many locations around the world. Ask for it. Demand it. And if you don't live in a green zone, consider investing in energy certificates. 
  • Compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) last up to 10 times longer than traditional bulbs and use only a fraction of the energy. Saving you $30-$50 over their lifespan. 
  • Carpool and help relieve congestion on your daily ride to work. Did you know that Americans waste 2.3 Billion gallon of gas every year while stuck in traffic? 
  • Ride public transit and help conserve an estimated 1.4 Billion gallons of gas & curb the release of roughly 1.5 Million tons of harmful CO2 a year. 
  • Buy carbon offsets to help counteract the CO2 pollution from your next big trip. 
  • The U.S. alone wastes over $1 Billion a year on computer monitors that are turned on when they shouldn't be. 
  • Lower the CO2 emissions of your appliances and electronics by up to 50% by buying the most efficient ones available. 
  • Cut the amount of plastic bags you use when shopping by reusing bags or using a fabric shopper or 'bag for life'. Using fewer bags preserves resource needed to manufacture plastic bags.

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