Monday, March 9, 2015

Personal Power II: The Driving Force (Success Journal 1)

This is by   <Anthony Robbins>   30-day audio coaching system.
You can look for this audio coaching system.

Here are a few simple steps for getting the most from your journal:

1. Each day, Monday through Friday, listen to the assigned tape or CD.
2. After the session, open your journal and take immediate action on the
day’s “assignment.”
3. Before you close it for the day, take a few minutes to reinforce your
learning by jotting down any additional thoughts or feelings in your
journal about what you learned and how you’re going to use the
progress you’ve already made.

Day 1
What changes your life is making decisions and using your Personal Power,
which is your ability to take consistent action.

The Ultimate Success Formula

1. Know your outcome.
2. Get yourself to take action by deciding to do so.
3. Notice what you’re getting from your actions.
4. If what you’re doing is not working, change your approach.

To save time and energy, use role models to accelerate the pace of your success:
1. Find someone who’s already getting the results you want.
2. Find out what that person is doing.
3. Do the same things, and you’ll get the same results.
It’s impossible to fail as long as you learn something from what you do!


1. Write two decisions you’ve been putting off which, when you
make them now, will change your life.

2. Now that you’ve made a real decision, you must take immediate
action. To do that, write down the first few steps. What are three
simple things you could do immediately—right now—that would
be consistent with your new decisions? (For example, if you
decided to stop smoking, what could you do with the cigarettes that
are in the house right now?) Who could you call? What could you
commit to? What letter could you write? What could you do
instead of your old behavior? List the immediate actions, and then
take action on them right now, in this moment.

Never leave the site of setting a goal or making a decision without taking
some action toward its attainment. That’s how you create momentum and start
to tap into the real driving force within you.

1. Two decisions I’ve been putting off which, when I make them now, will
change my life:

2. Three simple things I can do immediately that will be consistent with my
two new decisions:

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