Saturday, April 12, 2014

老师,你好会教!- - 迷思4.1


What is it you said, that you hate what I’m teaching ?
You hate all the class work, the homework, the preaching ?
And never before have you been so removed
From the lessons the school board has strictly approved ?
I work you too hard and that is appalling ?
You’ve referred to my talks with your parents as galling ?
You titter and tatter, you gaze and you stare
I know there’s a student inside you somewhere !
~ Elizabeth Breaux

  • 不管年龄或年龄差距多大,老师和学生都不是用同一角度去看事情。
  • 老师认为重要的事,学生不见得觉得重要,但如果老师把那些负面评论当做人身攻击,通常就不可能出现有效的教学。
  • “讨厌”通常是“害怕”的同义词。我们常会害怕一些自己尚未达到或是并不擅长的事,如果我们对某件事并不拿手,就会觉得“讨厌”!

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