Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Heart to Heart with Teresa Hsu (心連心 ~ 许哲) - Part 3

Chapter 3 – Leaving Kak Chioh

New Lease of Life in Penang

Her mother, Madam Tan Sok Chan decided to move to Penang when Teresa was about 17 years old.

I Want My Freedom

"I do not want to be tied down by a man. I don't want to get married. I want my freedom," Teresa replied strongly. Teresa left for Hong Kong in 1923 to avoid the constant harassment from these matchmakers.


"I must learn more skilled to change my life. I can't be sweeping and cleaning floors my entire life." With a new resolve, Teresa enrolled and attended night classes to learn English, typing, shorthand and accounting.


A Blessing in Disguise

"I do not accept the money that I have not earned." Such is the truthful nature of Teresa in the face of such a daunting temptation.

The boss smiled and then said, "Alright, report for work tomorrow. Your salary is $150." Teresa was stunned. She just could not believe her ears. In just 2 days, her income skyrocketed from a mere $20 to $150! She was so elated that she immediately wrote to her mother informing her of her good fortune.


A Frugal Life Not Squandering One Single Cent

"Mother Nature has given me a healthy body. It is not only for me but this body is to work for others too. Everyone on this earth is my family. I have to love them and help them." Teresa


"I have 3 precious things which I hold fast and prize. The 1st is gentleness; the 2nd frugality; the 3rd is humility, which keeps me from putting myself before others.

Be gentle and you can be bold; be frugal and you can be liberal; avoid putting yourself before others and you can become a leader among men." – Lao Tzu (ancient Chinese philosopher)

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