Saturday, July 2, 2011

好书推荐:绿色生活,轻松致富 Go Green, Live Rich - - Part 4.1 - - 合理利用能源


1.  建立一个耗能账目
  • 节省超过30%的耗能。
  • 每年减少9515磅的二氧化碳排放量。
  •“家庭改进措施”- 计算家庭能耗率。
    • U.S. Federal Tax Credits for Energy Efficiency  - it's amazing! I wish all country have this kind of benefits - it's not only benefit us, but also the whole world!
    • EnergyStar @home - Heat smartly with Energy Star
    • EnergyStar - Kids edition - A page easy to learn for kids, I think it ease all of us to know more about energy saving too! Don't ever think an adult must be know more than a kid, sometime, or can say, quite often, we need to learn from them, or learn what they're learning!
  • www.BBB.org事业发展局的网页(美国)。
  • “能源审核”- 能耗效率和可再生能源用户指南网站(美国)。

2.   及时检查
  •“能源之星-家庭封漏指南” & 家庭改进》空气密封和隔离”& “家庭改进》高效取暖和制冷”

3.   使用环保能源
  • www.findsolar.com预估PV板系统的造价、尺寸以及所能节省多少钱

4.  调节温度

* Part 3.2 *

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