Monday, December 12, 2016

Who to take care of them if I left them behind ?

Have you ever think, if one day...
if we leave our family behind ~ our parents who depend on us financially, our kids who has no ability to earn their own living yet ~

Life is full with uncertainty --- coma, missing, accident, death --- anything --- could happen anytime.

Beside a will - which is a must for everyone - there is another useful tool --- TRUST --- that can help us and our family very much. Let's study this case :

Where you can get the fund to setup a trust?
--> it can be life insurance policy, unit trust or even monies from bank account as assets for the trust fund

What can be done through a trust?
--> you may provide instructions to the trustee on the conditions, such as amount, frequency and method of payment for beneficiaries maintenance, kids' education, oldies' medical and etc.

What else so good of a trust?
--> if the person who set up a trust struck with some critical illnesses, one can also instruct the trustee to pay his/her medical and maintenance bills.

Contact me for more info about will & trust
Tan 016-6825195

Source: Rockwills Corporation Sdn Bhd

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