Sunday, August 23, 2015

Personal Power II: The Driving Force (Success Journal 9)

Day 11

First of all, commit yourself to mastering the fundamentals. Get excited about

practicing fundamentals every day to create the ongoing level of happiness and

joy you want.

With goals, we create our destiny! We must have a big enough “why” to

succeed—we must have enough compelling reasons to drive us forward to do

whatever it takes to achieve our goals. “Purpose is stronger than outcome.” Who

you become in the process of achieving your goals is the real purpose.

Why do goals work?

1. “As you think, so you become.” If you develop a consistent and

impassioned focus on something, you’ll experience it.

2. Setting a goal
is acknowledging to your conscious and subconscious

minds that where you are is not where you want to be. Having a goal

creates positive pressure, which is necessary to move you forward—

you must learn to manage pressure.

Here’s how to create a big enough “why” for each of your goals.

1. Write down all you will gain from achieving your goal—why you’re

committed to making it a reality (linking pleasure to achieving).

2. Write down what it will cost you not to achieve the goal (linking pain

to not achieving).


Remember: part of what drives us in life is our desire, our hunger. Seeing and

admitting that things are not as good as we want them to be creates a drive to

make our lives the way we believe they should and must be. Take action on the

following assignment:

1. List the specific areas of your life that are not what you want them to


2. Write down what you would have to believe to consistently follow

through on the transformation of your life.

3. List the set of beliefs you’d have to hold to achieve your ultimate goals.

What would you have to believe in order to not only set your goals but

really achieve them? What would you have to believe to make your life

the masterpiece it deserves to be?

4. Write down why you must change these situations now and why you

know you can. You’ve probably already handled much more difficult

situations at some point in your life. If you haven’t, now is the time to

do so.

“People are not lazy. They simply
have impotent goals—that is,
goals that do not inspire them.”

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