Thursday, August 20, 2015

Personal Power II: The Driving Force (Success Journal 8)

Day 10

To gain full control of your life, you must discover your core beliefs, change

those that are limiting you, and resolve any conflicting beliefs.

To change a belief you must do the following:

1. Identify the belief you want to change.

2. Link enough pain to your current belief so you automatically move

away from it.

3. Identify a new, empowering belief.

4. Link massive pleasure to the new belief.

5. Condition the new belief by “rehearsing” (mentally picturing and

feeling the effect) over and over again how your life will be better with

this new belief, and how painful it would be to keep the old belief.

Two Simple Yet Valuable Core Beliefs to Adopt

1. “The past does not equal the future.”

2. “There is always a way if I’m committed.”

Find two core beliefs that have limited your life and use the “Dickens

Pattern” to change them.

1. Identify the two beliefs you want to change.

2. Close your eyes. Think
about and feel the consequences—past and

present—you’ve experienced because of these beliefs. Feel the

emotional costs these beliefs have had on your life. What have they

cost you in your relationships, your finances, your physical body, your

level of happiness and fulfillment? What do you regret most as a result

of these beliefs?

3. Step five years into the future and drag these limiting beliefs with you.

What is the cost?

4. Step into the future 10 years. What is the cost?

5. Step into the future 20 years. What is the cost?

6. Come back to now and recognize none of this has happened yet. You

have a chance to change it. What happened was a painful gift to move

you to change your entire destiny right now!

7. Change your body radically-move as if you felt totally energized,

excited, and passionate (e.g.. breathe, talk more rapidly).

8. Decide what your new beliefs should be and write them down, stated in

the positive. Close your eyes and think about how these beliefs will

transform the quality of your life. What will you gain by these new

beliefs? How will you be happier? How will you be more successful

financially and in your relationships? How will your physical body be

transformed when these beliefs begin to guide your daily actions?

Again, associate. How is your life greater now, more fulfilling, richer

emotionally, physically, financially?


9. Step into the future five years with your new beliefs. Where are you

now in your life?

10. Step into the future 10 years. Where are you now?

11. Step into the future 20 years. Where are you now?

12. Look at both destinies and decide which one you’re committed to

living, and then return to the present.


You may find it useful to write down what your old beliefs were and what the

consequences have been or would have been all your life in order to remind

yourself of the leverage that will guide you in maintaining your new beliefs.

Write down how your two new beliefs will enhance the quality of your life now.

“It is the mind that maketh good or ill,
that maketh wretchor happy, rich or poor.”

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