Saturday, March 15, 2014

老师,你好会教!- - 迷思2.1


If in my efforts to control the ones within my care
The methods that I choose to we are marred beyond repair
Then how will I appear to be the one who’s in command
The one who is respected without having to demand ?
You see there’s really no such thing as controlling situations
Or demanding others give to me respect and admiration
Those we know who are the most respected of them
Are they who know their actions are the only that control.
~ Elizabeth Breaux

  • 如果我们想要控制自己的班级、学生或是其他人,我们就丧失掌控自己的权利,也失去了我们一直在争取的“自制”!
  • 我们必须相信,而且告诉自己:“你唯一能掌控的只有自己!”
  • 如果老师无法控制自己的行为和反应,根本就管不住那些接受指导的学生。
  • 不管榜样是好或坏,老师都是学生遵循的依归。
  • 案例:
    • 为讨好学生,不执行班规
    • 尖叫、瞧不起人、讽刺、威胁等
    • 利用训导处来控制学生、把学生请出课室

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