Saturday, May 12, 2012

Heart to Heart with Teresa Hsu (心連心 ~ 许哲) - Part 11

Chapter 12 – The Wisdom of Teresa

This chapter captures the ha-ha-ha pearls of wisdom of a super-centenarian.

Wisdom Quote #1
"It is a joyful blessing to care for the hungry. I am eternally grateful for this opportunity. This joyful action is even better than salary"

Wisdom Quote #2

"I will do all I can within my power to make sure that the basic needs of my fellow brothers and sisters are met and that no one need to go through that desperate grass-eating experience!"


Wisdom Quote #3

"It is a mistake… a good mistake"


Wisdom Quote #4

"I could see his fingers were black and dirty. In that distance, I felt a great pain in my heart. He is my brother, my fellow human being. And here I am enjoying myself and my brother is starving. How many more people are like him in this world? The meal I just had in monetary terms could have fed so many hungry people for several days!"


Wisdom Quote #5

"Keeping unhappy thoughts in my heart and mind is a burden. It is unhealthy. Many people get angry or unhappy because they can't have what they want. I don't want anything, so I do not angry or disappointed."


Wisdom Quote #6

"I never harbor negative thoughts as this will distract my focus in getting on which my life and work."


Wisdom Quote #7

"There are no naughty children – only neglecting parents."


Wisdom Quote #8

"When you greet people with a smile, people will feel happy and smile back. If you pull a long face, people will not feel happy and pull a long face back at you."


Wisdom Quote #9

Crying waste tissue paper, and cuts down trees. It's better to laugh."


Wisdom Quote #10

If you see someone fall, you do not ask him why he did not see the stone. You help him up, brush the sands off his knees ans ask him to be more careful next time."

Wisdom Quote #11

"If I'm married, I make only one man happy. If I'm not married, I make many people happy."


Wisdom Quote #12

"The answers are not from me. They are just out there."


Wisdom Quote #13

The world is my home, all living being are my brothers and sisters, and selfless service is my religion.


Wisdom Quote #14

"I prefer to laugh than to weep. Those people who cry to me, I ask, 'is your body full of water?' I always tell them it is better laugh than to use tissue paper, as a laughing is free but tissue paper costs five cents. 'Ha Ha Ha' costs no cent."


Wisdom Quote #15

"If I stay at home, I just ha-ha to myself. If I go out and ha-ha with 20 people, I make 20 people happy."

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