Sunday, February 12, 2012

Heart to Heart with Teresa Hsu (心連心 ~ 许哲) - Part 8

Chapter 8 – "Heart to Heart"

"My basic principle is that the whole world is a big family and everybody is my brother and sister. If they are doing well, I do not have to brother. But if they need help, it is my duty to provide what I can for them. It is not charity."

This thought led Teresa Hsu to establish the Heart to Heart unit, which was started in 1923 in Hong Kong under name of "Friends of the Needy".

According to Teresa Hsu, "Heart to Heart means from our loving hearts to their needy heart. If people see our work and they appreciate it, they can join us and take part – from the heart."

"Heart to Heart" for needy people. "Currently, we have in our care 14 single elderly folks, 4 needy families in Singapore, 47 blind boys and girls and 243 orphan children in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam."

On every last Sunday of the month, volunteers gather at Heart to Heart centre and help to distribute the food items to the elderly folks and needy families living in one-room rented flats all over Singapore.

Meditation – the perfect panacea for anti-aging, good physical health and a clear, strong mind. You just can't help but be amazed by her radiance, alertness and light-heartedness.

Teresa learnt yoga in her late sixties and went on to teach this healthy exercise for free well past her 100th birthday.

"if you have not often felt the joy of doing a kind act, you have neglected much, and most of all yourself." – A. Neilen

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