Saturday, March 11, 2017

Common mistake - part 1

Without a Will, all of these decisions are left to a court to determine in accordance with distribution laws in Malaysia.

1. Unknown Location Of Your Will
If a Will cannot be found, it is assumed that you have not written one.
HOW TO PREVENT THIS - tell others where your Will is kept. If you change its location, remember to inform them. Alternative, keep all the important documents like titles, insurance policy
documents and your Will together in one location.
BEST SOLUTION - keep under trustee company's custody

2. Failure To Date a Will
Without a date, it is almost impossible for the court to determine whether this is an old Will that has been revoked by a newer one.
HOW TO PREVENT THIS – use a good template when drafting your Will and a checklist at the
point of signing your Will
BEST SOLUTION - contact me @016-6825195, we will always make sure your will is valid


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