Thursday, July 12, 2012

Heart to Heart with Teresa Hsu (心連心 ~ 许哲) - Part 13

Chapter 12 – The Wisdom of Teresa

This chapter captures the ha-ha-ha pearls of wisdom of a super-centenarian.

Wisdom Quote #31

"Whatever they say I do not take it as an offence. Then how do you forgive those have offended you? They have to offend me first before I find out what to do!"

Wisdom Quote #32

"I am very interested in Life and Living! I live it for the benefit of all Human kind."



Wisdom Quote #33

How many hours do you sleep in a day?

"I don't sleep in the day. I only sleep at night!"


Wisdom Quote #34

"People say that I am a hard nut to crack. Do you want to know why? I have no shell!"


Wisdom Quote #35

"Sister, have you ever been sick?"

""Brother Sickness" forgot to visit me and he cannot find me as I have not given him my address!"


Wisdom Quote #36

"When any of my brother or sister falls down, I lovingly pick them up, brush the sands off their knees, comfort them, and give them ice-cream!"


Wisdom Quote #37

"LOVE CONQUERS ALL! LOVE IS THE MOST POWERFUL EMOTION! Go and tell your deceased mother, "We love you always! You are eternally in our hearts! May Peace and Love be with you always! PEACE! PEACE! PEACE!"


Wisdom Quote #38

"What do you do when you are not hungry?"

"I don't eat!"


Wisdom Quote #39

A friend said that she is from Liverpool. And I replied, "I am from "Bladder pool". Liver does not produce a "pool!"


Wisdom Quote #40

On Thursday 23rd Dec 2010, Belle, Lily, Kim and Tan K. A. met us for brunch at the coffee shop. Lily said that she lived a fairly healthy but ended up with an operation and she exclaimed that she was rather upset! Sister replied: "Do not be upset but be "DOWNSET!" We all had a very hearty outburst of laughter! Ha! Ha! Ha!


Wisdom Quote #41

"Life is natural. Take what comes and adjust! You cannot change Nature but you can changed yourself if it is necessary"


Wisdom Quote #42

When I meditate I reflect on the events of the day. Today have I left anything undone that I should have done. If I missed a chance to help anybody, I do not regret but I'll do better the next day.


Wisdom Quote #43

When your loved one passes away, how do you feel? Accept the inevitable. If they go to a better place I should rejoice with them. I shall be joining them and I shall be with them again.

"Grief if you must, parting is hell. But life goes on, so smile as well."




"When you are kind to someone in trouble, you hope they'll remember and kind to someone else. And it'll become like wildfire." – Whoopi Goldberg


"We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give." – Winston Churchill

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