Thursday, April 12, 2012

Heart to Heart with Teresa Hsu (心連心 ~ 许哲) - Part 10

Chapter 10 – Teresa's Visit England After 50 years

In 1944 it took Teresa Hsu 49 days by cargo ship to travel to London, washing dishes on board to pay her way there. Thankfully on October 2010 it took her 13 hours only, travelling in the comforts of Business Class on board Singapore Airlines.

Singapore Airlines very kindly agreed to sponsor Teresa and Sharana's return flight to London on Business Class and said it was an honor and privilege to do something for her.


Of course their sponsorship was dependent on Teresa (113 years old) passing a medical examination by their in-house doctor, which she did by astounding the doctor in the process with her perfect bill of health.


One morning the receptionist asked her how she was and she happily replied. "I'm still alive!" wherever Teresa went, she inspired and warmed the hearts of those she met.


It's ironic that it took a 113 years old to remind me how to have fun and be kid again.


Teresa wrote in their guestbook," Teresa Hsu – born 1898, still young. I had a wonderful time, thank you forever!"


"Blessed is he who speaks a kindness; thrice blessed is he who repeats it." – Arabian Proverb

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