Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Heart to Heart with Teresa Hsu (心連心 ~ 许哲) - Part 6.1

Chapter 6 – An Affectionate Reunion with Mum

A Sweet Reminder to Return Home

Teresa received a letter from her younger sister, Lucy on behalf of their muother stating that. "Poor people are everywhere but there is only one mother! Mum getting old at 80-plus and needs you to return and look after her.

Although Teresa exchanged letters with her mother weekly, she missed her mother whom she had left for almost 30 years very much.

"I was not unduly perturbed nor perplexed even though I had no money. I felt that I will be looked after and whatever assistance I needed, will be given to me." And so Teresa left the Society.

"I came and I left peacefully because I wanted to. Both are my decisions. So, there is nothing to regret. I only missed the needy families whom loved and cared for." Teresa

After walking for sometime a van came by and gave her a lift to the river. Another "miracle" happened when a kind boatman gave her lift across the river to the capital city of Asuncion.

Mother Nature Took Care of Me

Walking along the unfamiliar streets, the tired and hungry Teresa had no money and no friends.

Teresa chanced upon a restaurant. She went into the restaurant and asked, "Excuse me, I have no money. Will you let me sleep on your verandah for the night?" The owner agreed.

Teresa took out a book to read. The owner noticed and exclaimed. "My daughter is studying English. You can stay here with us. I will give you free food and lodging and in exchange you teach my daughter English." Teresa agreed.

Teresa met with the Englishman again. He informed Teresa. "I know of a church nearby where the nuns look after many orphans. They are looking for someone to sweep and clean, mend their clothes and teach the children English. Are you willing to help them?"

Teresa learnt that nuns were only prepared to "pay" for her services with food and lodging which Teresa accepted. "All along I have always wanted to help the needy and the nuns have so many orphans to look after. So I should help them."

One young nurse was kind some money after learning about her circumstances.

Teresa was very touched and grateful. Her wish had again come true. She took the money, bought the stamps and wrote to her mother.

Lucy, her younger sister immediately transferred money to Teresa so that she could book her ticket home, Penang. Teresa stayed at the church for ten months.

When the time for Teresa to leave, everyone hugged and cried as they could not bear to see her go. Teresa was very touched by their love and warmth.

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