Friday, August 12, 2011

Heart to Heart with Teresa Hsu (心連心 ~ 许哲) - Part 4

Chapter 4 – A Calling to Care for the Needy

The 2nd World War broke out in the late 1030's and early 1940's.

Theresa wrote, "Mother, I intend to resign from my news bureau job and join the International Voluntary Service for Peace (IVSP) team and look after the young volunteers for free. I will not be able to send money home to you anymore." Her mother replied and agree that Teresa was doing the right and meaningful things.

Teresa had to reassure her boss that she was leaving for a good reason and cause. This stumped him, as he could not understand "why anyone would give up a well-paid job to be an IVSP volunteer?"

A Wonderful Twist of Fate

"Man will all suffer from sickness and death and I must help wherever I can. I must learn nursing to be of more help." However as her Chinese was weak, she could not enroll with the local nursing school. So she decided to go to England for her training.

In 1945 at the aged of 47 years, Teresa applied for visa to travel to England. Before leaving for England, Teresa decided to return Penang to visit her mother whom she had not seen for many years.

Homecoming to Penang

After staying in Penang with her mother for a month, Teresa sailed for England. To save money, she decided to sail on a cargo ship. The journey took a total of 49 days instead of the usual 16 days by passenger ship.

A Different Twist of Fate

At that time the qualifying age for nursing students was between the age of 17 and 25. Teresa was grossly over-aged as she was already 47.

Teresa wrote to the matron of the London Nursing Council and told her that she was not studying nursing to earn money but rather to delicate and devote her whole life and energy for caring and helping the sick.

Soon news that the plane in which Teresa's boyfriend was flying from China back to England had crashed reach her.

"If he had not died, we would probably marry. If I was married, I would devote my whole time and attention to the family. Where would I have time for my nursing training?" Teresa

Training at Royal Free Hospital

Teresa stayed fully focus on her training which enabled her to care for the sick who cannot pay. She is still doing this job till this day.

In her nursing school due to her petite stature and her youthful Oriental appereance despite being 50 years old, she was often mistaken to be in her twenties!

In the hospital whenever the nurses did not to do any particular job, they would say, "Tell the little girl to do it."

"I am here to work and I am pleased to work. The more I do, the better". Teresa says.

Each summer, the nursing students had a three-week break. During this period, Teresa worked as an Exchange Volunteer with the Red Cross Society in various European countries.

"Nothing of great value in life comes easily. The things of highest value sometimes come hard. The gold that has the greatest value lies deepest in the earth, as do the diamonds." – Norman Vincent Peale (1898-1993)

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