Thursday, March 22, 2012

The One Minute Manager - Part 6 Why One Minute Reprimands Work

The One Minute Manager Explains
The Best Minute I Spend Is The One I Invest In People

Why One Minute Reprimands Work
  • During One Minute Reprimands, never attack a person’s worth or value as a person. Since their OK-ness as a person is not ‘up for grabs’, they don’t feel they have to defend themselves. Reprimand the behavior only. Thus, the feedback and their own reaction to it is about the specific behavior and not their feelings about themselves as human beings. 
  • The purpose of One Minute Reprimands, is to eliminate the behavior and keep the person. This is why the second half of the reprimand a praising is so important. 
  • ‘Nice N Tough’ VS ‘Tough N Nice’ - if you are first tough on the behavior, and then supportive of the person, it works. 
  • Before giving a reprimand you have to see the behavior yourself - you can’t depend on what someone else saw. You never give a reprimand based on ‘hearsay’. 
  • The three basic ingredients - telling people what they did wrong; telling people how you feel about it; and reminding people that they are valuable and worthwhile - lead to significant improvements in people’s behavior. 
  • People need to be in contact with people who care about them - to be accepted as valuable just because they are people. 
  • We Are Not Just Our Behavior We Are The Person Managing Our Behavior 
  • There’s a lot of caring and respect behind such a reprimand.

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